Sorry guys . Ytd didn't post . .
Anw , as for outinq no one contact me yet .
Please contact me asap okay .
Tell me which date u're free . (:
Thanks . ;luv .
Hey guys , I just upload our FAM Recruitment . (:
Our FAM Currently recruitinq ppls .
For those who want join ?
Please apply at th FAM Office . (:
Once th JR or Me ~TSUNAMIx~ Online .
We'll give u a test for u to join us .
Chances will be given .
Anw , as for outinq .
I need some of u to confirm with me which date u all guys are free .
Inorder th outinq qot ppl come ._.
Hahahas , Text me oh . (:
Anythinq u all wants me upload ?
Just tell me taq at th Cbox jiu can le .
Be our members , please be tionqxim to th FAM .
Hey guys . :D
~TSUNAMIx~ Here .
Just created our FAM Bloq ~
Hmpf , make it be alive okay ? Dun become a dead bloq in th end . D;
Anw , i wanted to have a outinq lonq aqo .
But members in th end lesses online so didn't ask .
Now hoildays cominq , want have a outinq soon ?
Want tell me .
Anw , text me with u all nick & real name .
Sms me ; 93421745 .
Online often okay ?